This course not only describes the church (where it came from, how it began, what will happen to it in the future), it also shows how each member of the body of Christ can be more useful as they put into practice what they learn. This 110-page course gives the believer a better understanding of their place in the church and also shows them how to go about fulfilling their potential as one of the indispensable parts of the body of Christ.
What is the purpose of churches and why do people go to church? What does it mean to be baptized? Why should a believer take communion? Is it scriptural to dedicate babies? This 154-page course will answer many of the most frequently asked questions about the church. The experiences of Mary, a new convert, and her fiance, Timothy, are followed throughout the book to illustrate the biblical basis for what churches do and why they do it.
Jesus was our example in taking the good news to people everywhere and He wants us to share the gospel wherever we go. This l44-page course will help the reader to understand the true nature of evangelism. Knowing the principles contained in this course will enable believers to share Christ with the people around them in a more convincing, powerful and positive way.
You can know how to fit into God’s design as a member of the body of Christ and learn how God will equip you to serve Him in the church. This 119-page course relates how God organized the church and put each member in the body of Christ according to His plan. It also gives practical suggestions to follow in order to find and develop the gifts that will allow each individual to edify the church. It will help in understanding how to work with the leaders of the local church and how gifted believers can minister to those who need their help.
Teaching is like throwing a small rock in a pool of water. As we teach and our students in turn teach others, the results are like ripples of water, reaching out to the world around us. This l44-page course will help illustrate how to have a teaching ministry that is both productive and rewarding. Jesus commissioned his followers to “…teach all nations… teaching them to obey and to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded…” This is the mandate that must be carried out by the church.